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Rajiv Tarafdar

700+ kms

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raised of
$500 goal
Thanks to
1 supporter
1 / 9 Badges

Every day the Men and Women in Blue challenge themselves, working to keep our community safe. They sign up to protect and serve the people of this country good, bad and ugly. This is the 4th year I have signed up again to show my appreciation of their selfless contributions and sacrifices. I will ride 700+ kms over the next few weeks to remember the fallen and appreciate the ones in the line of duty.

Please support me by spreading the awareness and fundraising.
Thank you.

My Updates

10 Oct 2021

750+ kms completed. My target for Police Legacy Remembrance Ride completed. Took me a while to complete with all challenges, but its done now.

15 Aug 2021

400kms completed

05 Aug 2021

320 completed 17 Rides

05 Aug 2021

Completed nearly half my goal. 4 weeks to go to the Sept Ride day. We may not get the ride this year given the current situation, but I Keep pushing.

24 Jul 2021

Riding solo for a cause takes a lot of motivation, especially when the odds are against you.

24 Jul 2021

Completed 182 kms

24 Jul 2021

It's been a hard start with physical injuries and physio to get back into riding. But I have not been sitting quiet. Completed 182kms riding today. Today was the best ride and I am feeling more confident that I will pick up more distance and duration going forward. The lockdown does not help but I am will keep chipping along. 1/3 of my goals for riding but not where close to my fund raising target. I would really appreciate some assistance and your help in raising much needed funds for the PLR

Rajiv Tarafdar has 1 supporter
